Display latest delicious bookmarks with jQuery
If you look below you see my three most recently saved bookmarks from (delicious)[http://delicious.com/miguelmota]:
First let’s create an empty unordered list with a div below it that will serve as a loader (if you want to get fancy, you can use an animated loading gif):
<ul id="delicious-bookmarks"></ul>
<div class="ajax-loader">fetching bookmarks...</div>
We are using the $.getJSON()
function. Let’s add our json request url and and then loop though the requested data with the $.each()
function and get the
, url
and date
. Then we are appending a list item to our unordered list that we created earlier which will include our variables.
So now after it complete the jquery, let’s remove the loader:
count: "3"
$.each(data, function(i, item){
var title = item.d;
var url = item.u;
var date = item.dt;
$("#delicious-bookmarks").append('<li>['+title+']('+url+') <time>'+niceTime(date)+'<time></li>');
But hold on, if we leave it like that, the date will show in ISO-8601 standard which will look like <script>document.write(d);</script>
We want to display it as time ago
so we will use James Padolsey’s “pretty-date” function.
Before the $.getJSON()
function, add:
var niceTime = (function(){
var ints = {
second: 1,
minute: 60,
hour: 3600,
day: 86400,
week: 604800,
month: 2592000,
year: 31536000
return function(time){
time = +new Date(time);
var gap = ((+new Date()) - time) / 1000,
amount, measure;
for (var i in ints){
if (gap > ints[i]){ measure = i; }
amount = gap / ints[measure];
amount = gap > ints.day ? (Math.round(amount)) : Math.round(amount);
amount += ' ' + measure + (amount > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' ago';
return amount;
Now include the date
variable as the niceTime()
function argument like so:
<time class="date">'+niceTime(date)+'<time>
Obviously replace my username with yours and that’s it!
I know there might be better ways of doing this, if so let us know in the comments!