CSS3 Filters
・1 min read
Webkit has implemented CSS filters, which can spice up the way your photos look without the hassle of having to deal with software like Photoshop.
Currently there are 10 CSS filters available, which are: blur
, brightness
, contrast
, drop-shadow
, grayscale
, hue-rotate
, invert
, opacity
, saturate
and sepia
In the meantime you must use the -webkit-
vendor prefix, like so (gist):
img {
-webkit-filter: blur(2.5px); /* values: 0px - 25px */
-webkit-filter: brightness(5%); /* values: -100% - 100% */
-webkit-filter: contrast(1.5); /* values: 0 - 5 */
-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(3px 3px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.5)) ; /* values: x-offset y-offset blur-radius color */
-webkit-filter: grayscale(.5); /* values: 0 - 1 */
-webkit-filter: hue-rotate(5deg); /* values: 0deg - 360deg */
-webkit-filter: invert(1); /* values: 0 - 1 */
-webkit-filter: opacity(.8); /* values: 0 - 1 */
-webkit-filter: saturate(1.5); /* values: 0 - 5 */
-webkit-filter: sepia(.5); /* values: 0 - 1 */
You can also combine multiple filters in one line seperated by a space:
-webkit-filter: blur(2.5px) brightness(5%) contrast(1.5);
CSS filters can be used in an unimaginable ton of ways. The only downside is that currently only Google Chrome version 18 and up supports this feature.
Check out the demo and perhaps leave some feedback in the comments below.