Call and Apply Methods in JavaScript

・3 min read

The call and apply methods in JavaScript might look complicated at first glance, but they are actually easy to wrap your head around.

Suppose we have an object called square with a few properties:

var square = {
	color: "red",

	getColor: function () {
		return "I am the color " + this.color + "!";

	getArea: function (width, height) {
		return "My area is " + (width * height) + " feet!";


It has a color property, and two method properties; getColor and getArea.

The get color method simply return the color property of the object:

square.getColor(); // I am the color red!

And the second method return the area of the square after we pass in 2 arguments:

square.getArea(4, 4); // My area is 16 feet!

Simple enough, let’s move on and create a second object:

var rectangle = {
	color: "blue"

Note that new rectangle object only has the color property.

Now if we wanted to return the getColor or the getArea methods we would not be able to because the rectangle object does not have such methods. Only the square object does.

This is where call and apply come to play. Let me show you.

Call Method; // I am the color blue!

What just happend? Basically what call does is swap out the context for this.

In our first example where the square object called the getColor method, the this context is itself because the method is within it’s scope.

So if we want use a different object to call a method of a different object we must explicitly tell the method to use a different context. We passed in rectangle as the first argument of the call method to tell the getColor function to use the rectangle object as it’s context, instead of square.

If we leave out any arguments while calling call, we get:; // I am the color undefined!

It returns undefined because the call method has no set context so it uses window as it’s context, and window does not have the color property.

So if we were to add the property to window then it all works out:

window.color = "green";; // I am the color green!; // I am the color green!

We can also pass in a couple of arguments, for example the getArea function requires width and height to be passed in. To do so just added them after the the first argument:., 6, 4); // My area is 24 feet!

Now that we are familiar with the call method and know how to pass in arguments, let’s discuss it’s brother, the apply method.

Apply Method

The apply method is almost identitical to the call function, the only difference is that we pass in an array as the argument instead of individual arguments:

var sides = [6, 4];

square.getArea.apply(rectangle, sides); // My area is 24 feet!

The apply method is very useful in a situation that involves passing in an unknown number of arguments into a function.

For example, getting the maximun value of a list of numbers:

var numbers = [22, 4, 354, 54, 546, 85, 12, 98];

Math.max.apply(Math, numbers); // 546

Pretty neat huh?

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